One of the unintended consequences that many are realizing while sheltering at home during the coronavirus threat is the rise in the temptation of food.

Those working at home are likely not used to the kitchen being so easily accessible at all times, and others who may already be retired could be spending more time at home. Add up the additional stress that nearly everyone is going through thanks to the general uncertainty, and stress eating as a coping mechanism is real.

Bushwick Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has three strategies in order to try and avoid falling into this trap.


  • Don’t Feel Shame


Eating to cope with additional stress is nothing new, and it’s nothing that you should be ashamed of during these trying times. Mental health issues right now are real, so if a few extra snacks help get you through, that’s something to take as a victory.


  • Eat Smart


While there’s nothing wrong with some extra calories, make sure that you are covering the basics and get the right amount of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. You can also turn to eating five or six small meals instead of three large ones, as this also cuts down instances to make unhealthy snack choices.


  • Find Other Coping Mechanisms


Without totally having to rid yourself of the food you enjoy, you can also find other coping strategies. This can include exercise (which you should be doing daily anyway, especially now that we’re approaching the warm-weather months), meditating, journaling, and taking with friends. An added benefit to exercising is that you won’t feel as guilty when you enjoy a few extra calories!

To learn more about Bushwick Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit