Stress levels in general are up during the coronavirus pandemic, but they may be highest in loved ones who serve as caregivers to seniors. Concerns include their loved one having feelings of isolation, getting food and medication safely, and having home healthcare visits be performed safely. 

Experts say it’s normal to be worried about these things during a time of heightened concern, but it’s important to note the distinction between worry and anxiety. Anxiety is a disorder that hinders logical thinking and affects a person’s ability to perform tasks. 

Bushwick Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing would like to share some strategies on how to worry effectively, for lack of a better word, and not have it cross into anxiety.


  • Don’t Dwell


Mulling worrisome challenges is healthy when you can work those problems and find a solution. Thinking about them constantly, however, is not effective or healthy. A good way to manage this is to set aside an hour or so each day (and not before bedtime) to actively work on problems and find ways to tackle them.


  • Don’t Make Problems Worse Than They Are


Granted, there are realistic dangers related to coronavirus, but don’t spend time thinking about the worst-case scenario. If you forget to wear a mask at the grocery store one time or if a relative coughs or sneezes once doesn’t mean that you and your entire family are going to contract COVID-19. Just follow precautions to the best of your ability – control what you can control.


  • Knowledge Is Power


If your loved one is in a care facility like Bushwick Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing, call and ask what precautions they are taking to keep residents and staff safe. A quality facility should be able to clearly list everything they are doing to keep their community COVID-free, which should alleviate some of your concerns.

To learn more about Bushwick Park Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit